Competition rules

Participants commit to these competition rules upon participation in the competition.

Competition organiser

  1. The competition organisers (later Organiser) are the City of Vaasa, the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, ABB Oy, the Ministry of the Environment, Wasaline, the University of Vaasa, VAMK University of Applied Sciences, Novia University of Applied Sciences, Wasaline and Ramboll Finland Oy.

Competition participants

  1. Students of all subjects in the previously mentioned schools, regardless of their year, may participate in the competition.
  2. In order to participate in the competition, registration must be done in advance as stated by the Organiser. (Website)
  3. The main languages of the competition are Finnish, Swedish, and English.
  4. The teams will be assigned by the Organiser. When assigning teams, the preferred language (Finnish, Swedish or English) of the participant is taken into account as far as possible.
  5. If the number of participants is too great in relation to the size of the teams and the maximum number of participants, the Organiser reserves the right to limit the number of participants. The criteria for limiting participants are based on attempting to create teams with students from a wide range of disciplines.
  6. The teams will select a Project Manager from amongst themselves, who will serve as the contact person between the team and the Organiser.

Competition schedule

  1. The competition will be held in Vaasa on 26-29 October 2021 in accordance with the programme and schedule provided by the Organiser. The results and the winner of the competition will be announced and the winner awarded at the shared event starting at 8:00 a.m. on 05/11/2021.
  2. During the competition, the teams are to participate in all of the events that the Organiser has communicated in advance. All team members are not required to be present. Instead, it is sufficient to have one member attend. The events and their detailed schedule will be posted on the competition website when the competition starts.

Competition entries

  1. The teams can work on their competition entries where they like (e.g., educational institution facilities, team member homes, and public places such as libraries and cafés). The Organiser will reserve rooms for the teams in their facilities, if the Corona virus situation permits this.
  2. During the competition, teams can use different information sources, such as interviews, Internet materials and literature. Used sources must be stated in the competition entry in accordance with the instructions provided at the start of the competition and good reporting practices.
  3. The competition entries are to be reported and submitted in electronic format. The implementation method can be freely determined by the team and programs used for reporting include PowerPoint, Word and Excel, for example. Video reporting is also possible. The entry should also include a PowerPoint presentation. In addition, the submission should include a 1-2 page practical report in Word format. The final material must be in Finnish, Swedish, or English.
  4. The practical report (1-2 pages) of the competition entry is to be delivered to the designated location by noon on Thursday 29 October 2021. The Organiser has the option to not evaluate late entries.

Panel of judges and evaluation

  1. The winning entry is chosen by a panel of judges consisting of representatives of the organisers. A representative from the City of Vaasa will serve as the Chairman for the panel of judges.
  2. Each judge will award points to the competition entries according to pre-determined criteria.
  3. The winning entry is the one that receives the most points from the judges and the winning team will be awarded the prize. In a potential tie, the vote of the Chairman of the panel of judges determines the winner.

Participant rights and obligations

  1. The winning team commits to presenting their entry to the competition at two events at the request of the Organiser. The events and their dates will be agreed on by the Organiser and the winning team. All team members are not required to participate in the presentation. Possible presentations at other locations than the Vaasa region and the associated travel costs will be agreed on separately.
  2. Participants permanently release all copyrights to the content they created during the competition and the competition entry to the Organiser.
  3. Participants have the right to use their participation in the competition, their competition entry and other content they created during the competition in their studies, as references, in their portfolio and on their CV.

Organiser’s rights and obligations

  1. The competition is public and associated material (competitor names, photos, videos etc.) may be published on public media (Internet, social media, magazines, YouTube, etc.)
  2. The Organiser has the right to publish competition entries created during the competition, photos of events and other materials created during the period on e.g., their websites and other communication channels.
  3. The permanent copyright to the material and entries produced during the competition is transferred to the organising entities. The entities have the right to, for example, utilise in their operations, publish, release to a third party, edit, combine and further develop the competition entries and the materials created during the competition.